Personal Transformation for

Global Transformation & Systems change.

Sustainable Collective Climate Action

Healing our relationships with ourselves, others & the Planet

 If we wish to reverse the planetary crisis we need to reverse our way of being. To do this we need to stop and look deeply at our habitual and conditioned behaviours.

The climate crisis is essentially a crisis of relationship. We are disconnected with the truest part of ourselves, others and the living system that we are part of- Earth.

We need to collaborate as a planet people to make the big leap of change. It requires of us to shift from the individualistic & competitive way of doing things to a collective and co-operative way of being.

Attending our inner dimension collectively is a key component to making the urgent turnaround our civilisation needs. In these gatherings we look deeply at our inner climate. We pause so to notice the habits that keep us in our loops, that prevent us from making the transitions we urgently need to make. Only by engaging in a radical collaboration of change can we hope for systemic change, and halting the planetary collapse.

In these retreats we pause to take time to reconnect to our true nature and common values. We nourish our love for the world and strengthen our resilience to so to galvanise sustainable climate action.

Alone we can do a little. Together we can do a lot.

Valentine has been facilitating mindfulness based work that reconnects. She is passionate about the intersection of personal healing and planetary systems healing.

The Earth retreat groups are curated by invitation so to ensure diversity of disciplines and expertise in their fields. Embodied mindfulness and compassion are woven into this day of retreat.

We aim to create bridges and collaborations between academia, finance, policy, corporations and climate advocates.

Valentine and her husband Charles Antoine Janssen have been long time supporters of Mind and Life and other organisations which bring the spiritual and contemplative traditions to science, business and climate action.

A retreat to nourish our leadership, resilience and resolve in the face of todays global challenges.

Upcoming Events

  • Tsoknyi Rinpoche - Radical Resilience

    May 24 & 25

    Embodying Fearless Compassion for Ourselves, Others and our Planet.

    Dialogue and teachings with TSOKNYI RINPOCHE supported by MIND & LIFE Europe.

Recent Events

  • Retreat with Rob Hopkins

    24 th September

    “Radical Imagination”

  • Retreat with Jo Confino

    26th November

    The way out is In

    “Personal transformation and systemic change”

  • Work that Reconnects

    5th December

    “personal introspection, deep ecology, systems change”

  • Satish Kumar- Conscious Leadership

    18 March

    La Hulpe, Brussels.

“We have entered the unchartered territory of a global emergency, where ‘business as usual’ cannot continue. We must take the initiative to repair and protect this world, ensuring a safe climate future for all people and all species” DALAI LAMA

“If we continue abusing the Earth this way, there is no doubt that our civilisation will be destroyed. The turnaround takes enlightenment, awakening. The Buddha attained individual awakening. Now we need a collective enlightenment to stop this course of destruction.” THICH NHAT HANH

“The more deeply I search for the roots of environmental crisis, the more I am convinced that it is an outer manifestation of an inner crisis that is, for lack of a better word, spiritual…” AL GORE

"Active Hope is not wishful thinking.
Active Hope is not waiting to be rescued
by the Lone Ranger or by some savior.
Active Hope is waking up to the beauty of life
on whose behalf we can act.
We belong to this world.
The web of life is calling us forth at this time.
We've come a long way and are here to play our part.
With Active Hope we realize that there are adventures in store,
strengths to discover, and comrades to link arms with." JOANNA MACY

The Earth is not just our environment. We are the Earth and the Earth is us. We have always been one with the Earth. - Thich Nhat Hanh

Contact us.